By livin - 11/09/2009 06:10 - United States

Today, I found out that on Wednesday, when I have 2 exams, I'm called to testify in court. If I go to court, I cannot make the exams. If I take the exams, I'll be held in contempt and arrested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 176
You deserved it 5 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

call your instructors. they should let you take the exams another day due to your court appearence. if they won't talk to the dean. sucks that you have to go to court though.

Gesq1 0

This is simple. Show the subpoena to your professor. If you haven't been subpoenaed then you're not under a legal obligation to attend - unless you've been previously ordered by the judge to be there. Have one of the lawyers write a quick letter. There are things you can do here. Don't just wallow on FML.


how is this an fml? just tell the exam admin that you have to be in court. they should understand that you need to go or face being arrested. to me it's an obvious choice-court.

show the teacher the court order. if they say no, while your at court stop by and file a lawsuit against your school!

Take the court papers to the examining officials.

ydi cause you're too dumb to figure out what to do in this kind of circumstance

Well go to court, exams can wait if you hav a good reason

silvermoon132 0

If you believe that this is really the situation that you are in and that there is no way out of it then you are really ignorant. seriously.

kitty_minky 0

your teacher has to let u take the test at another time

sarinninja 0

you can get out of it!! by law they hav to allow you to take your exam.

talk to the professors that are giving the exams, im sure they will be reasonable

tony8pie 0

If this is real, it's the epitome of an fml. Everyone take notice...