By livin - 11/09/2009 06:10 - United States

Today, I found out that on Wednesday, when I have 2 exams, I'm called to testify in court. If I go to court, I cannot make the exams. If I take the exams, I'll be held in contempt and arrested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 176
You deserved it 5 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

call your instructors. they should let you take the exams another day due to your court appearence. if they won't talk to the dean. sucks that you have to go to court though.

Gesq1 0

This is simple. Show the subpoena to your professor. If you haven't been subpoenaed then you're not under a legal obligation to attend - unless you've been previously ordered by the judge to be there. Have one of the lawyers write a quick letter. There are things you can do here. Don't just wallow on FML.


In Canada, a requirement to appear in court is a valid reason for missing an exam. Providing a copy of the subpoena should be adequate proof of why you were unable to write the exam(s) and allow you to make them up.

moonlight_daze 8

You are not going to be anally raped if you miss your exams. Does that help solve your dilemma?

worldjudge 0

duh. show your instructors your subpoena. FYL for posting this crap

timba 0

Yeah. like others have said, most professors aren't sadistic enough that they won't let you make up an exam if you have a valid reason, and I would hope that appearing in court is a valid reason... Talk to your instructors, and show them your subpoena. They should let you make up the exams.

Not only are most professors not that sadistic, most colleges and universities have a policy that you cannot be penalized for work missed due to a court appearance.

ozymandias_fml 0

Tell whomever is issuing the exams. By law they have to let you appear in court.

ponder_it 0

Like many have said, man up and talk to your teachers about it. I'm sure they'll let you take the tests another day.

This happened to my buddy. My brother, who is a lawyer ended up representing him in court while he took his exam. If you have a lawyer represent you, you don't have to be there... unless this is a serious case.

They're TESTIFYING. You can't have a lawyer do that for you if you're a witness, which the OP sounds like they are what with the fact that they didn't say they were charged with anything.

Your life isnt F'd, all you have to do is talk to your teachers and tell them what is going on and I am sure they would be happy to oblige to those cirumstances