By Ben - 18/06/2011 15:34 - United States

Today, I found out that my eight year old son is actually my nephew. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 799
You deserved it 7 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The OP is male so the kid isn't actually his it's his brother so his wife/girlfriend must have slept with his brother behind his back..


ohhh well a dad is some one who raises and loves you ur still his dad

familyguy11 0

wouldn't you remember giving birth to him or not

How... does that work out? Nephews are your siblings children, so unless you and your sister... O_O This one needs a better explanation! Well, other than keeping it in the family.

Staige40 0

to those who ask how that happened it probably a guy and his wife cheated on him with his brother.: Now I'm sorry about ht happened to you honestly that sucks dude sorry :(

WilliamC 0

the op is a dude. so his brother banged his girl. that sucks man Sorry to hear

um but didnt you give birth to him.? how is that even possible.?

theten_fml 9

try not to kill your brother.

How do some of you people not get this?