By Anonymous - 03/12/2013 14:04 - Canada - Kitchener

Today, I found out that if you accidentally step on your boss's dog's tail, yes, you can get fired. But not because you stepped on the dog's tail. You didn't say sorry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 296
You deserved it 42 363

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aligator67 12

Well why wouldn't you say sorry? Dogs have feelings too.


I have to say, that boss was pretty rash. It's not like he intentionally hurt the dog. Boss had no reason to fire op, FYL dude. That really sucks, guess it pays to be the nice in this situation though!

What kind of asshole doesn't say sorry if you accidentally hurt a dog?

Well I mean if someone stepped on your hand and just walked by without saying sorry you'd feel pretty shitty too

You could've just said sorry! But I must admit getting fired is a bit harsh! Sorry, hope you find a new job or get your old job back.

Britt125 16

Sorry, but you aren't a very good Canadian. You always say sorry, always. Even if there isn't really anything to be sorry about you say sorry (and then say sorry for saying sorry when there was no need to). I'm sorry, but that's just the Canadian way. Seriously though, I'd have apologized to the dog anyway. I'd feel bad for stepping on it's tail and causing it pain and it is a natural response when I feel bad for something. Firing you might have been a bit overboard, but saying sorry wouldn't have be unreasonable.

wow, get fierd for doing that crazy world. you could had said Sorry, but not a reason to kick our ass

Gotta love those alpha-mentality-fixated types who need all animals (and probably all people) around them to be in a constant state of utter, cowering subservience and thing anything short of unconditional submission is "taking advantage of them".

I wonder if the dog dwelled as long on the lack of apology (Ie: "Human uttering a couple words I can't understand") as much as even one of the droves of righteously indignant commentators here who literally cannot imagine any other ways to express remorse or put an animal at ease. I'm guessing most likely not.

Here's the thing though: As far as we know, the OP never made any attempt to console the animal. Or if they did, why not mention it? Would get them a lot more sympathy from us. Your attempts to get us to feel sorry for OP ring shallow.

Were you raised by wolves? How could you step on the dog's tail and not petted the dog to make sure he was okay and then apologize to your boss? Wouldn't that have been automatic? Even toddlers learn to say I'm sorry and thank you. I had it so ingrained in me from a young age, I have caught myself apologizing to a table when I've bumped into it. LOL Not saying you should have been fired, but to not apologize was very rude.