By hellnooo - 15/08/2009 23:06 - United States

Today, I found out that I puke and then pass out at the sight of blood. I am a 16 year old girl expecting hundreds of periods to come. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 083
You deserved it 7 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haven't you seen blood before you turned 16?

alice_xoxo 0


hundreds? haha... that sucks though :/ the cramps are worse than the sight of blood

AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA " I am a 16 year old girl expecting hundreds of periods to come. " OMG , " EXPECTING " THAT IS SO SAD ! I GOT MINE WHEN I WAS 11 . AHHAHAHAHAH

@232 - Great! Now if only you could stop acting like you're 11. Then you'd be all set!

i'm 16 and i got mine a couple monthes ago. stop bitchin', and yeah, its kind of a big deal when you pass out when you see a certain thing. thats like people who are petrified of like spiders or snakes, they pass out when they see em. lay off, assholes.

umm really? I find this hard to believe, there's been plenty of other tines in your life where you've seen blood. Even if it was the amount that scared you more than the sight still doesn't make sense. Almost everyone has atleast one major bleed at sometime in their life, or sees soneone else who did, or has seen it on tv. So I'm sorry but I don't think this is for real.

Unwell_fml 0

You guys are idiots. One of the main reasons we get our periods so young is because that crap people call food nowadays. Believe it or not the hormones in your food can cause you to get it earlier, do some research.Plenty of women don't get their periods till they are older. Anything younger than 14-16 is actually ABNORMAL.

honey i dont know what planet your on or what speciese you are reffering to but im sure it cant be the earth which is inhabited by humans, because for thousands of years women have been starting familys at the age of twelve and thirteen and even as young as five (which is extremely rare and the last known five year old to give birth gave birth in the late 1930's to early 1940's), which im guessing means they had a menstural cycle *sarcastic shocked look*. to avoid looking ignorant and bothering people with your ignorant white noise (figure of speach of course) please do some research into what is being discussed. our food supply doesn't define when we begin mensturating, it can define if you have a disease such as polycystic ovarian syndrome though, which is an unfortunate side affect of being morbidly obease and can result in missed or even extremely light periods which can be regulated by birth control, this syndrome also causes infertility in many women. which can also usually be relieved once the person returns to a normal, healthy weight.

Actually, the decrease in the mean age is probably due to changes in diet. There have always been outliers of course, though.

Well at least if you're just starting now, it probably means you're little which probably means minimal/no cramps and light flow like me! Yaaay =] So no major blood for you! (Hopefully)

missunlucky_fml 0

you still haven't gotten your period? dang

Jarlais 0

ydi for having bleeding vaginas

your 16 and this is the first time it happened to you? not very believeable since most girls begin menstuating between the ages of 11-14. also you have never scraped a knee, had a paper cut, cut yourself while cooking, ex cetra?or even seen anything happen to someone else?

i know about the nine year olds because i was also either nine or ten myself BUT i also have a very, i guess you would call it, unhealthy menstural cycle (bad genetics unfortunately), but i refuse to believe anyone that begins their period at nineteen is healthy unless they are a world class athelete. and even then i have my serious doubts since there are so many body altering drugs on the market for atheletes these days that i am quite sure will affect a womans cycle.. in one way or another.. but i believe the point of my comment was missed, which is that this should not come as a shock to her because i am sure she has seen blood many times before. i also have a comment referring to all of the technical mestural mess above as a repy to comment #239 if you would like to read it. but they were being ignorant about our food intake so it more or less applys to their ignorance about that but says alot about young women starting familys through history. (:

people are DIFFERENT. WHy would starting your period later in life mean you're unhealthy? I have a friend who, at 17, hadn't gotten hers, so she went to the doctor. The doctor said she was fine and that she would just get hers later than most people.

omgznoes 0

someone might have said this but i couldnt be bothered reading every comment, but from what of seen people with a phobia of blood aren't scared of their own blood, just other peoples