By Paige - 10/07/2013 14:18 - United Kingdom - Witham

Today, I found out my boyfriend regularly has his ex stay over. They even share a bed. He doesn't see a problem with this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 698
You deserved it 5 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Relax. They just talk about cute boys and gossip about girls they don't like.

Then there shouldn't be a problem dumping him. You deserve better OP.


punkyboy 11

if you broke up with him and made him your ex-boyfriend he would invite you over for sleepovers too

Your boyfriend is a pig, OP. It I were you, I would leave him. Otherwise you will always wonder if she's there and what they're doing.

redwolf56 2

Which is why you don't even have a photo, right? I think she is cute. :)

Some of the comments on this thread... What?! My boyfriend isn't allowed to share a bed with any woman besides me, be it in a sexual manner or not! You guys need to talk.

Does people here make a set of rules for the boy/girlfriends? "This is what you can and can't do". I would never ever be with someone who did that. What OP should do, it's tell him it makes her uncomfortable. Hopefully he'll stop doing it, but she shouldn't dump him or tell him what to do.

People don't seem to forgive much and are ready to drop someone at the smallest step out of line... but I admit that if he *is* cheating (and not just sleeping in the same bed), then he's not worth her time.

Maybe it's because I've been cheated on before, but I would have major issues with that, especially because he didn't tell her at all and ask if she was comfortable with it when they started dating. That's just a really big red flag for me and suggests that he was hiding it from her. You have to be completely honest about these things.

Yeah of course. I've been cheated on before aswell, but I wont let that ruin my current relasionship. OP and her boyfriend needs to talk together, that's all

CharresBarkrey 15

99 nailed it on the head. People who let their past cheating experiences affect their current relationships will never have a healthy successful relationship.

I completely trust my current boyfriend, but my experience with my ex has taught me not to be naive and to see the signs before you really get hurt. I'm not saying don't trust the person you're with, but if they keep something like this from you I would be very wary. You can't just expect everyone to feel comfortable with something like that, and you should have enough respect for your SO to talk to them about it when you start dating.

BanAnnalee 12

You need to take out the trash.

Her boyfriend or the trashy ***** sleeping in his bed?

Dump his ass. He's not worth your time.

OMG I'm so sorry you had to go through that :(

mkid232 15

Could be worse: He could be sharing a bed with one of your exes.

Maybe he should be your ex boyfriends. This is blatant disrespect.