By Paige - 10/07/2013 14:18 - United Kingdom - Witham

Today, I found out my boyfriend regularly has his ex stay over. They even share a bed. He doesn't see a problem with this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 698
You deserved it 5 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Relax. They just talk about cute boys and gossip about girls they don't like.

Then there shouldn't be a problem dumping him. You deserve better OP.


Time to leave that f'er sounds like a player n they never change!

I get this feeling there's something else he didn't tell you..

You should dump him and if he asked to do the same with you, then he has issues...

AnnaMariaMc 8

I had a boyfriend who would stay at his ex's house because she lived closer to his work. He saw nothing wrong with that either. Needless to say I ended that relationship!

Did you try to be friends with the ex at all? As a guy, I see it as wrong if he tried to hide it, but if it saves time and money and he wasn't cheating, then maybe you could've talked it out.