By Paige - 10/07/2013 14:18 - United Kingdom - Witham

Today, I found out my boyfriend regularly has his ex stay over. They even share a bed. He doesn't see a problem with this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 698
You deserved it 5 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Relax. They just talk about cute boys and gossip about girls they don't like.

Then there shouldn't be a problem dumping him. You deserve better OP.


I hope he is your ex now if he doesnt see the Very clear problem with this situation

Save yourself the trouble and dump his ass!!!!

redwolf56 2

What's the situation, is she homeless? Because if that's the case then you're a bitch

If she were homeless, she could sleep on the couch, not his bed.

Do the same with one of ur ex? Since its no problem...

perdix 29

Why should he see a problem? You are the one with the problem. If you don't want to share him, dump him and move on. (Your) problem solved!

Epikouros 31

And in what way does this hurt you, if he's man enough to satisfy both of you? It seems he was honest about it because he didn't see a problem. The STD risk was there already because it's his ex. If jealousy is the problem, *you* have a psychological problem that you need to deal with.

The problem is that she wants a monogamous relationship. I'm going to assume that they entered the relationship with that being understood. If he is having sex with the ex, his ass should be dumped immediately. If he isn't, then OP needs to have a discussion with her boyfriend about how uncomfortable this situation makes her; if they can't come to a mutual understanding and agreement, it's time to end the relationship and move on. Unless two people willingly enter into an open relationship, infidelity should not be tolerated. It's not fair to toy with another person's emotions.