By Frauded - 17/12/2009 01:42 - United States

Today, I found my boyfriend of two years is a wanted man in the state of Texas, and was living under a fake identity for the past three years. What is he wanted for? Rampant identity theft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 100
You deserved it 3 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I call FAKE. Identity theft is a Federal Offence, and would not have made him wanted in Texas alone.


hassenpfeffermmm 0

Whoever's identity he stole last is actually your boyfriend! = )

PistenDeer 0

Anybody who clicked YDI on this has no brains. HOW ON EARTH IS THIS OP'S FAULT?

I often think that myself. How on earth does the OP deserve this!