By Anonymous - 30/12/2010 07:14 - Australia

Today, I finally went running to help me start losing weight. I got 50 metres before someone in a passing car shouted out "Run fatty, run". I can't work up the courage to go for a run again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 072
You deserved it 7 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

Run in place, in your house. Don't go outside.

Don't let them get to you. Keep running and soon enough people will be shouting "Pump those skinny legs" and wolf whistling. Work it girl!


I've been there before... Just don't give up, you're doing the best thing for yourself.

Dont give up.. that person will always be ugly.. you however can diet :)

Run in dark.. **** others. you are doing this for yourself.

prove that horrible person wrong and keep running don't let the b*stards grind you down

aww don't be shy! if u rly don't want to go outside and run u could get a treadmill or some exercise DVDs or even zumba haha

entwined 0

OP don't give up.. in no time you'll be turning heads :)

If you keep at it those guys will one day be checking you out.

Wear the biggest headphones you can find and play loud music, that way: a) You won't be able to hear insults and b) Anyone yelling at you will look like an idiot.

spanelli 16

C) The good music will help pump you up, and you can enjoy running more.