By thepokemonkid - 27/02/2013 05:03 - United States - Avon

Today, I finally made a Facebook account after being home-schooled my entire life. I friended people that I know and their friends, and subsequently sparked a debate on whether or not I exist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 311
You deserved it 4 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if you've never met some of the people you friended can you blame them?


Social media sites are full of fake profiles and robot programs. Twitter has millions of fake followers. You can even buy 1000 followers for $5. Celebs and corporations buy them to look more popular and profitable to investors. In the case of Myspace and Facebook you have pedophiles posing as young attractive people. This is known as catfishing. Maybe its best that you stayed off these sites for most of your life. The web is crazy.

But you haven't existed for over 40 years...

skyeyez9 24

You are lucky. I used to have weird neighbors who sheltered their two homeschooled kids to the point they were forbidden to use the internet, watch tv (only allowed to read books that mom approves), only handmade toys or toys that existed in the colonial days (marbles, pick up sticks, jacks), no name brand clothing and no friends unless they were Christians and went to their church. Despite being fairly well off financially. The kids' bedrooms were very plain and bare with crappy old furniture. The parents had nice stuff though.

Did you just describe an Amish or Mininights (not sure how to spell it) family?

Don't befriend anyone who isn't your friend...

you added your friends friends? thats creepy. youve probably never met them. dont be weird.

That's awesome u could do some much with that

Is your name jake king? If so...I'm sorry about that!

Word of not friend anyone you don't know in real life or haven't known online that long. And make sure all of your privacy settings are set so only you and your friends can see stuff.

It's been brought to my attention, that my comment, "Too cool to be real" was moderated because I'm questioning the veracity of the FML. What saddens me is that on an FML about a guy who's being accused of being a fake page, THAT is what you got out if my comment. -sigh- I don't want to insult your intelligence(too much), but surely you can see how damned ridiculous that is. Maybe tell me next time? Smh...