By thepokemonkid - 27/02/2013 05:03 - United States - Avon

Today, I finally made a Facebook account after being home-schooled my entire life. I friended people that I know and their friends, and subsequently sparked a debate on whether or not I exist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 311
You deserved it 4 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if you've never met some of the people you friended can you blame them?


Amurikuh 9

I just have to say, OP, you being homeschooled has nothing to do with it, sure maybe you're less 'known' but I'm homeschooled too and I have enough common sense to not add people I don't know.

To be or not to be, that is the question.

I know just how you feel same thing happened to me. I went along with it. To muck fun not to.

Here's what yu do. Ask them to tell yu to take a picture somewhere. Then yu go to that place, && take a video. Talking about how real yu are. Make sure to mention your fb name && all so someone can't steal your video for themselves

Hey atleast people are noticing you?

My mom yanked me out of school in 8th grade. In hindsight it was good but I was truly heartbroken that I never heard from all but two of my friends. Someone started a rumor that I died. Over a year later I saw someone in the mall and they looked like they saw a ghost. To them they did...

i had the same problem. i was homeschooled up until a year ago and had hard times on fb like that too lol

You don't friend people that you don't know. I'm not surprised they thought you were fake since they don't know you

Who in their right mind friends the friends of people they know? That's very weird. just because you know someone doesn't mean you go at their friends you don't even know.