By thepokemonkid - 27/02/2013 05:03 - United States - Avon

Today, I finally made a Facebook account after being home-schooled my entire life. I friended people that I know and their friends, and subsequently sparked a debate on whether or not I exist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 311
You deserved it 4 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if you've never met some of the people you friended can you blame them?


You know that you do. As do others you personally know. Forget about that ignorant person's view. Trollin just to get under your skin.

Delete then, if they're your "friends friends" then you probably don't know them anyway, and you're not missing much if they'd rather talk about you than talk to you and get to know you/make friends.

Maybe you could try making some real friends first, because the ones you have now don't sound all that great. I've been home-schooled my entire life, so I know the feels and difficulty in making friends sometimes.

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

Homeschooling is a terrible thing because it creates socially awkward people (no offense op)

I'll have you know I'm socially awkward and have never been home schooled! *turns to leave indignantly and walks into door jam*

@48 Well I wouldn't put it that way, but I do agree: It is bad for your social skills and development. And I also doubt if the quality of the 'education' is good enough with homeschooling.

dontpanic_fml 32

LOL...because schools are constantly churning out those shining products of the superb public education system, yeah. Very much superior quality of education there...

I'm sorry 48, but you are a ******* dumbass. -_- anyone can be socially awkward, even if they go to school or home schooled. Any one can be smart or dumb, even if they go to school or homeschooled .

I'll have you know, I've been homeschooled since third grade and I have a ton of homeschooled, public schooled, and private schooled friends. I also have a boyfriend. and I'm a gamer as well. Homeschoolers can be as normal as regular, everyday people. Just that we get to do school in our pajamas.

Okay, well what if I told you I'm from a country where the education system is actually GOOD? Really, homeschooling would be a bad thing here.

Thank you, #62! I'm homeschooled too, with a boyfriend and plenty of friends. It's not like we're stuck in our house all day away from the world hiding.

Don't friend the people you don't know. As in your friends' friends.

Haha I was homeschooled from Kindergarten all the way through High school. Don't worry. It gets better.

Just make new friends when you go to Junior College or University. Trust me you'll be fine. In the meantime go out more to public events such as games, movies, concerts and ever night clubs. I'm sure you'll be able to meet a few decent people.

I hate when people make those who are home-schooled sound like pathetic loners. Just because you're homeschooled does not mean you have no friends. There's activities and other crap in life. Walk outside of your house every once in awhile and you can make a friend. Also, why would you just randomly friend their friends? That's weird, I mean maybe of you met them a few times it wouldn't be as awkward.

Don't worry. I'm homeschooled too and that's happened a lot of times. All you have to do is meet them. Go out a little more, go see some movies with a group of friends. You'll get more of a social life out of it too!