By Anonymous - 10/10/2014 21:51 - United States - Lemont

Today, I finally lost my virginity. Too bad it cost me every last shred of self-respect and involved begging a hooker to take my money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 708
You deserved it 24 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That should have been a clear sign that it wasn't the right time to lose it...


trellz17 19

I didn't know people actually did that.

myeviltwin 20

Skipped the comments. But seriously, you had to beg a hooker to take your money?????? I have absolutely no response to that.

Jellysweetheart 23

That's definitely you deserved it... You actively sought a hooker because you felt like having sex.

BubbleGrunge 18

I mean, most people who seek hookers are looking for sex.

What is up with losing virginity? there are things more important than that in life you know!

I agree, but come on its definitely on most people's bucket list and the basis of life itself.

This is beyond pathetic. It's even worse because you chose to pay for sex for your first time. You are a disgusting excuse for a man.

Is it like the social norm to lose virginity before marriage? Seriously bro, you nerd to think before you act.

Well... yes, it is a social norm to have sex before marriage. Most people understand the fact that it's not a terrible and evil thing to have sex before getting married. A lot of people do it.

It's pretty bad when you have to neg a hooker. ydi

Really sorry your life is so rough, but patience is a virtue, and some things are worth waiting for.