By Hair Fail - 22/10/2011 15:32 - United States

Today, I decided I wanted to dye my hair a medium brown. Little did I know, some jerk switched the hair dye boxes. My hair is now bright orange. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 162
You deserved it 6 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hannahcorrine 0

Orange you glad it wasn't purple though?

At least you're ready for halloween! That's the spirit! >:)


Go to a salon to have your hair fixed. No need to **** it up any worse than you already have.

kate1238 9

You wuld think you wuld notice before you actually dyed it...

kate1238 9

I paid 100 bucks for some one to do it professionally and they screwed it up

Awe :( but think , it coulda bin worse.

Wow. You obviously know nothing about hair color or coloring your hair. No one switched the dye. It's your hair.

I don't think that a medium brown could vary so much for different hair colors that it turns BRIGHT orange.

xStaciexLynnx 15

It can if you have bleached or previously treated hair. Trust me. Been there, done that.

Putting brown dye on blonde hair results in a greenish or greyish colour not orange.. All hair has a red base except blonde. Brown dye doesn't tend to have a red base in it so if you have no red in your hair it can't go red without red dye..

You just said all hair has a red base except for blonde, then you went on to say brown hair doesn't have a red base. Make up your mind, dammit. -.-

That happened to me before too. It was awful :-(

herpitydurteedur 0

Buy some brown mani panic or something for the meantime? It essentially coloured conditioner and it'll keep you tides over until you can actually dye your hair without frying it.

Brown manic panic? Lol that doesn't exist o.O there's black but that's the only color they have that isn't in your face bright. With that said though, I love manic panic. I've used soo many of their colors over the last year xD.

Uhhh, I dont dye hair, but isn't orange dye different than brown dye. Dont get me wrong, it sucks for you because it was some douche that switched your hair dye, but is it possible that this could have been avoided?

The colour of the dye itself doesn't often look like the final result.. BUT the bottle in the box almost always has the colour and/or the colour number on it which you can check against the label on the box. So yes, you are correct, this could have been avoided with a very quick look at the bottle..

maybe it wz bleach? tht happened to me to....