By Hair Fail - 22/10/2011 15:32 - United States

Today, I decided I wanted to dye my hair a medium brown. Little did I know, some jerk switched the hair dye boxes. My hair is now bright orange. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 163
You deserved it 6 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hannahcorrine 0

Orange you glad it wasn't purple though?

At least you're ready for halloween! That's the spirit! >:)


CuteDumBlonde64 11
brokenangelexy 13

hahah that happened to me I was pissed now I can look back and laugh

Should have left it to a professional! YDI

mbrooks5110 0

And this is why you are supposed to do a test area of hair.

shayundead 9

thats why you should always check

BBb663 0

who reads the tag and not the box? Definately ur own fault

jgam013727_fml 0

They did not switch the due the same happened to me, you have a light colored hair naturally I'm assuming. A chemical in some of the dyes will turn your hair orange of you have light hair to begin with

OP- were u blonde prior to coloring it med brown? If so, it wasn't a color switch, but a reaction from changing your color.

Now you can look like Hayley Williams. I am in love with Hayley Williams.