By nick - 18/05/2012 07:22 - United States

Today, I came home to find a note on my door from the neighbor saying "I saw a coyote eat your dog, but was afraid it was rabid." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 061
You deserved it 2 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your dog must have looked like the Road Runner.. :( sorry for your loss OP.

neonrocks 0


People are really judgmental of your neighbor but I wouldn't wrestle a food item out of a coyotes mouth unless it was a small child, strange that anyone would expect their neighbor to risk injury, infection and disease for their pet.

KaitlynNeal 13

Arkansas has those evil bastards. I shot one between its eyes for chasing my cats :/

fuggotmuggot 14
bleedingglitter 24

Oh no. That happens a lot. If the coyote really wanted the dog, there would have been nothing your neighbor could do though so don't be too mad at them. Sorry about your pet.