By nick - 18/05/2012 07:22 - United States

Today, I came home to find a note on my door from the neighbor saying "I saw a coyote eat your dog, but was afraid it was rabid." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 061
You deserved it 2 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your dog must have looked like the Road Runner.. :( sorry for your loss OP.

neonrocks 0


add_shineythings 2

Am I the only one wondering why his dog was left out alone and unmonitored in an area that has coyotes? I mean, this is a true FML and I do feel for the poster. However, the way it was worded makes me believe no one else lived with the poster to see/prevent this from happening and in which case...why would your dog be outside?

raraisbang 12

Some people have outside dogs? Coyotes can and do occasionally venture into towns. Perhaps ops dog was on a running line or somehow got out of their fence? Personally, my dogs are outside dogs. They have a fenced in yard and dog houses. They do get out every now and then, by no fault of mine. They're just crafty.

You gotta think of the variables...because it's likely that OP lives outside of town, on a farm?? Not everyone lives in the city.

add_shineythings 2

I am thinking about variables, I've lived in the country with a dog before too and it takes more responsibility and a watchful eye to care for them. You have to factor in wild animals, cows, speeding trucks around poorly lit winding roads. It's especially important to keep your dog in a safe, contained space while you're at work or out of the house when you live in the country.

I will personally hunt that coyote down and feed it to a lion

skyeyez9 24

I live in Colorado and had one follow me for about a mile when i was walking my small 15lb dog. It was parallel to us and about 15 feet away the entire time. He was probably hoping my dog got off leash and he'd snatch her up.

Awe that is so horrible! I am really sorry about the loss of your family member! But at least you won't what happened to your fur baby! :(

Twisted_Angel 17

I'm very sorry for your loss, but the worst part is, this could have been prevented. Small animals shouldn't be left alone outside like that. I'm guessing your yard isn't fenced in. Next time get a bigger dog, or keep it in the house unless you're outside with it. My dog is 135lbs. I don't have this problem.

skyeyez9 24

Doesn't matter if its a big dog. Sometimes coyotes hunt in packs like wolves do. Especially if there is a large animal involved. Not common, but it happens.

Wow, this is a new one. Where the heck do you live that coyotes live in your backyard. Poor dog. I do agree with Ugi #24. Should get your a neighbor a gun if they are out watching all the time. This way they can kill the next one that comes along after your next dog and you can eat it as retribution for your last dog. Sorry OP.

93- most like Arizona? That's where I am and we have a lot of coyotes around. Any lost pet is usually shrugged off as coyote food down here.

cornielious 1

O haha ok mikethemarine. Next time you see your CO say "hooah sir" haha ill be looking for that fml post about what happens. My whole platoon is laughing at this post right now btw. Keep embarrassing your husband and father usafofficer wife.

annejayy 7

Whatever douche bag trolls said ydi should be slapped. This is the saddest thing I've ever read.