By Anonymous - 06/08/2012 19:50 - United States

Today, I called in to my girlfriend's favorite radio station to propose. After spending what seemed like an eternity telling her how much I love her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, she took a deep breath, said, "How about no?" and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 232
You deserved it 4 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JackeeDawn 9

It's okay OP... Atleast it's not a tv station you went on, nobody seen your face when she said no

I give you props for trying to be original, OP. Dont worry, you'll find the right gal.


That's a very creative way for you to propose. FYL for having such an insensitive, rude girlfriend. I bet that was embarrassing. :/

That bitch! She said no to a proposal. How rude and insensitive!

Awh I'm sorry OP I hope you feel better soon, ice cream always works for me ;)

You set yourself up for that. Why do people think these huge public proposals are romantic. It just adds unnecessary pressure.

I don't know about you but that sounds really nice to me. Some people want to spice it up a bit, not just do it the old fashioned way. I can respect that.

I agree. A public proposal would make me super uncomfortable.

What you do is talk about it, arrange it, get a definate yes, THEN do the big romantic proposal. It's not a surprise, but this is a lifetime decision, not an 18th birthday cake stripper.

I agree :/ When lots of people are standing around you and waiting for your answer there's no way you couldn't say "yes" because "no" would everyone else go all like "awww, how could you, that was such a sweet proposal??" because sometimes you say no because you just think it's not the right time to marry yet (not enough money, too young, etc.) not because you don't love him/her. But I'd want to explain that to him face to face and not in a fancy restaurant in front of the whole family. Altough I agree that op's girlfriend was quite insensitive on her part... Giving a cocky answer like that is just plain rude :/ How about a "I love you and think that was such a sweet thing of you to do but I think we should wait just a bit longer to marry because /whatever is the main reason. Let's talk about it later ok?"

I never understand FMLs like these: With something as important as getting married, wouldn't you have your relationship pretty well established and know that marriage is right for the two of you? That it's what you both want? I just think you should probably already know the answer by the time you get around to proposing. The proposal itself can still be spontaneous/theatrical/special, but actually figuring out whether you want to spend your lives together should be carefully worked out over the course of a relationship. Not a stressful ultimatum.

BubbleGrunge 18

Ugh, your girlfriend, or hopefully ex, sounds like a bitch. There's nicer ways to let someone down, especially your boyfriend who just proposed.

Unless that moment made her lose all respect for him as a person and she realised she wanted nothing to do with this blithering idiot...

ellytoad 13

damn, that's harsh. time to find a new chick.

captainburke 5

I know you had good intentions but next time just don't put her on the spot

Uhm, proposing period puts the person on the spot.

Your "girlfriend" is a total bitch. If I were to hear that I would appreciate the hard work you've done and be glad to spend the rest of my life with a man that would do that for me.

#28, I read this as he and his girlfiend were not on the same marriage page to begin with, and then he puts her on a very public spot. A "Let's talk later" would have been less embarrassing for both.