By Anonymous - 06/08/2012 19:50 - United States

Today, I called in to my girlfriend's favorite radio station to propose. After spending what seemed like an eternity telling her how much I love her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, she took a deep breath, said, "How about no?" and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 232
You deserved it 4 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JackeeDawn 9

It's okay OP... Atleast it's not a tv station you went on, nobody seen your face when she said no

I give you props for trying to be original, OP. Dont worry, you'll find the right gal.


campervan 6

Aww little harsh but i wouldnt want that as its pressure when people are watching or listenig

tmmundy 17

I wish my husband would have been creative when he proposed to me, all I got was a big box that had several smaller boxes. It was cute, but, it was at Christmas and I was expecting it, so it wasn't a surprise. We've been married 13 years this month, so I guess it worked.

They feel obligated to say yes because that's what is expected and because all those people are watching, etc. it's nerve racking, I'd imagine.

lovebeecharmer 6

Sucks, but not saying it to her face was like really low. Seems like you were hiding

Or.... maybe he just wanted to do something other than the usual romantic meal ending with him going down on one knee.

mermaidariel 0

Aww, I'm sorry OP! Your girlfriend is a... mean person. I'm trying to be nice since you love her, even if what she did was a bitch move.

Bigmoneyshotz 0

Sorry OP, but that was a horrible way to purpose. Thats almost as bad as proposing at a sporting event in front of all those people and how do you know it was her and not one of her friends that doesn't like you on the phone, just saying

freddykrueger56 2
thebosslikeaboss 18

Then she waddled away waddle waddle Till the very next day (my first thought when reading the fml haha

Great, now that song is stuck in my damn head! ******* duck...