By readytomingle - 15/07/2010 02:37 - United States

Today, I bought an "I love my boyfriend" t-shirt so people wouldn't think I'm single. I'm very single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 081
You deserved it 42 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

with that shirt, you will remain single. very single.

FFML_314 11

This reminds me of the time I bought an "I love ****" shirt so my family wouldn't find out that I'm a lesbian.


MissExquisite 0

so you got that shirt... to remain single? :/

FreeRunn3r 12

awwww I'm sorry, well at least you got those dating websites waitin 4 ya :D

truly ah-mazing it's ok everyone gets single

put on a different shirt, go out and socialize. having a boyfriend can keep you so tied down. have fun while you can

mikeds07 0

why the hell do u even care what other ppl think. do u think they look at you and so oh there goes a lonely single person. wearing that shirt will just make u even more single for the rest of your life

Don't worry OP that T-shirt is going to get you a boyfriend very soon.

jchansfan 0

Howww!?!!?!?! Please tell me you're being sarcastic! lmao