By Jeri - 26/02/2010 12:55 - United States

Today, I begged my husband to take me to the ER cause my stomach hurt so bad I thought I was gonna die. He told me to go sit on the toilet and stop being a drama queen. I drove myself to the hospital just in time for my appendix to burst. I almost died because my husband was busy playing xbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 105
You deserved it 4 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time for some serious discussions about the state of your marriage and his level of consideration, care, and respect for you.

mattgotest2 0

Sad, sad. Someone should be in the doghouse for a while..


seriously..... he was probably playing COD which makes it excusable :) ... right guys !!?

Pandacharm 0

omfg OP I know how you feel! my mom thought I was lying about the pain in my abodomen when I was 5 and after 24 hours of screaming and crying while laying unable to move on the couch she took me to the ER where theytold her that If shed waited any longer I'd of died from appendicitis ;(! in glad your okay! I'm sorry!

I mean if some says my stomachs hurts are you gonna believe them I would do the same thing I would apologize as much as I could and kiss her ass for a year afterwards but overall I would

#222 your argument is irrelevant because your facts completely contradict your point! only 58% of men go to college... hmmm you didn't provide a statistic explaining what percent actually graduated. moreso; 86% of women graduate.. that is very nice compared to the only 58% of men. in short; women are just as good as guys. we may not be strong but we use 13% more of our brain than guys

try reading my post again... this time slowly so you understand it. Honestly if ur gonna attack my point, make sure you at least knows wat it says first. retard.

haha.. sorry about that. anyway only 56% of men graduate... 86% of women graduate. you are the retard for trying to make an argument that men are better by using a statistic that clearly proves women graduate more than men. you are stupid.

more women graduate because they can't get through life without education, men are physically strong and therefore can make alot of money doing labor, technical jobs just as important as executive jobs, men are smarter tho, and stronger, overall better... I think the husband should hit OP because she bitches too much, she seems too willpowered, needs to bring her self confidence to the floor, along with a couple of her teeth :-D hahaha

wow i cant believe that a second person read my post and couldnt understand it either... let me reexplain for the morons out there... Of all COLLEGE GRADUATES in 2009- 58% were men and 42% were women... This means that more men (16% more) graduated. 86% of the women who GOT INTO COLLEGE graduated which means 14% dropped out for whtever reason... Of the men who GOT INTO COLLEGE, areound 92-94% graduated... (only around 7% dropout rate)... Im not saying men are better or smarter than women... im just responding to the person who said women are smarter and graduate college more than men.

boatkicker 4

estoy_de_acuerdo, whether or not you're right (which, by the way, I think you are) you still need more than one years worth of statistics to prove it.

wow I must have been high when I read that comment.. sorry estoy- whatever! I totally misunderstood that. I take it back. @Fuckyourlife99- wow.. why don't you suck my dick and make me a sanwich. you bitch more than any women on here!

its okay nuke, as long as you understand it now... and also i only used the most recent stats because they are the most important in my opinion... who cares how things were decades ago? Also, those stats are the most accurate because every year the ratio of men and women is getting closer and i believe that in a few years it will be virtually even (# of men and women in college)... Who knows, maybe in 10-20 years ,women will be the majority in college with degrees... It doesnt matter because we are and will always be equal in our own ways.

disgruntledyouth 0

smash his xbox or even worse delete all the memory in it

mygoodsir 0

108 I'm only 13 nd I can tell that you are complety wrong.Also your a douche

avarik 0

lol angryninja you're a pretty huge fail just stop. nobodys listening to you

seriously, OP you probably are faking this FML or are so pathetic that you married the only guy who would give you attention. stop being weak, and be the man. to that sexist troll looking child demon- you scare me. to the sexist people- everyone is equal. hyprocrits- don't be feminist if you threaten the guys life. just saying.

raithex 0