By Jeri - 26/02/2010 12:55 - United States

Today, I begged my husband to take me to the ER cause my stomach hurt so bad I thought I was gonna die. He told me to go sit on the toilet and stop being a drama queen. I drove myself to the hospital just in time for my appendix to burst. I almost died because my husband was busy playing xbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 105
You deserved it 4 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time for some serious discussions about the state of your marriage and his level of consideration, care, and respect for you.

mattgotest2 0

Sad, sad. Someone should be in the doghouse for a while..


rockin198 0

that sucks seriously divorce him

PentiumBawls8 0

1. I don't understand why people argue over gender superiority. You all sound like a bunch of old ladies in a nursing home. Get over it! 2. Take his stupid X-box and smash it over his head and bury his ass. I'm a gamer myself, but I don't let it affect my priorities. If gaming systems make you a negligent person,then you shouldn't be allowed to have one. Period. 3. Why are immature teenagers allowed to comment in here? I've read some of the filth they had to write. It's almost as bad as texting while driving. Leave subjects like this to the grown ups!

Exactly, 301. I'm also a gamer, but if somebody is seriously sick or hurt, its time to pause or end the game and deal with that. I don't think you should smash his xbox, though. Just trade some of his games for a new hard drive, smash or lock his hard drive away, and trade the rest of his games in for goofy, casual, and girly games. He can come home to a blank hard drive with dance dance revolution and a barbie fashion game.

Divorce his fat ass! Or sell his XBox, and if he asks about it, tell him to stop bitching about it.

#108 is most likely gay since he expresses about women that bad it looks like he dislikes the female gender... maybe he is into dick perhaps? rest of u don't feel offended by wat a nut rag has to say let it slide it's the ignorance talking OP u need to get a divorce obviously he doesn't give a shit about u he priority was XBOX instead of u soo this tells you a lot...

#301 def agree with u... that's well said..

Hey look, both men and women have proved that there are ignorant, judgmental, immature, and superficial people amongst both biological sexes. Congratulations, you are equal, and none are the better for it. Congratulations men, you can life heavier objects than I can, which might have bearing if most jobs in modern times required heavy lifting. But they don't. So feel free to use your muscles to do all that menial labor that is necessary for our society to survive and I'll use my college degree and go do something else. I feel we're both contributing members of society no mater what we do as long as we're doing something. Congratulations women, you can be backstabbing, bitchy, caustic, insulting, and self-absorbed, just like men can. But instead of getting pissed off about it and simply proving them right by actually caring what a complete strange says about you on the internet, ignore aforementioned stranger and don't give them the attention they crave, which is why they made such an inflammatory comment anyway. If you want to contribute to feminism, you sure as hell aren't going to do it bitching about comments on FML. Congratulations, OP. You married a dick. I'd suggest marital counseling. Maybe you do bitch too often and he thought you were being dramatic, or maybe he was being a total ass and ignoring you, either way, you both need help. If he isn't willing to take the steps to change, however, then call a lawyer. It's better to realize that there are certain things you can never change about a man and instead find one who fulfills all your qualifications instead of trying to shove a square peg into a round hole...or, whatever.

Batman4890 0

you kinda shot yourself in the foot here cos builders are essential for our modern society where would your house/flat/whatever be with out them? where would ANY building be without them?so no they are very important jobs even tho everyone takes them for granted

Batman4890 0

btw this isn't arguing men are better I completely agree with what your saying apart from the heavy lifting being unnecessary bit

bastard needs to take better care if his wife

D-I-V-O-R-C-E......he's not worth your time...

katiebeeeee 0

I think people on here need to think before they post stuff on here. why would you say some of the things that you are saying on here? they are rude and immature and you know what comments I am talking about. I mean yes the guy could have stopped playing his game and yes she could have called 911. now it's over with and people on here really shouldn't be posting nasty and immature comments like they are.