By Jeri - 26/02/2010 12:55 - United States

Today, I begged my husband to take me to the ER cause my stomach hurt so bad I thought I was gonna die. He told me to go sit on the toilet and stop being a drama queen. I drove myself to the hospital just in time for my appendix to burst. I almost died because my husband was busy playing xbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 105
You deserved it 4 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time for some serious discussions about the state of your marriage and his level of consideration, care, and respect for you.

mattgotest2 0

Sad, sad. Someone should be in the doghouse for a while..


Batman4890 0


that's why you don't marry highschool kids or people in college- way too immature.

OP, that definitely sucks. I hope you feel better soon. I'm very surprised at your will to drive yourself. It's really hard to focus on driving when you're in severe pain. I know. But do what you need to do to handle your man :] Good luck. As far as the people being immature and stupid--this is in NO way a ydi. Even if she was a whiny, bitchy wife, the husband still has no reason to stop playing xbox to take care of her. Because in that point of pain she wouldn't just be whining and complaining anymore. It would be much more serious. It does make the husband very self centered. And the people who think the xbox is more important--you're going to find yourselves very lonely in the long run. My boyfriend is a gamer, I don't mind it so much, I even watch most times but he is smart enough to know when to put the controller down and take care of me. That's why he still has a girlfriend. Plus...COD is campfest and it sucks therefore it really can't be more important than his wife's life...and yes she could've died. Probably not that second, but eventually. endrant.

startafire 0

Time to call up the divorce lawyer, hon.

that's what you get for liking and marrying such an asshole...

applebee_16 0

u people are mean. I'm sorry that he husband was being selfish and I'm glad your ok. u should punish him...