By Jeri - 26/02/2010 12:55 - United States

Today, I begged my husband to take me to the ER cause my stomach hurt so bad I thought I was gonna die. He told me to go sit on the toilet and stop being a drama queen. I drove myself to the hospital just in time for my appendix to burst. I almost died because my husband was busy playing xbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 105
You deserved it 4 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time for some serious discussions about the state of your marriage and his level of consideration, care, and respect for you.

mattgotest2 0

Sad, sad. Someone should be in the doghouse for a while..


Seriously, he's not worth it. This reminds me of the time this woman was having her first child and her husband was also too busy playing games to be with her at the hospital. These kind of men aren't men, they're just heartless retards. It's time to file those divorce papers. These "types" of people usually don't change, although you can always try. Hey I don't know the full situation so maybe it was a story of "the boy who cried wolf" but still, it doesn't take THAT much effort to just drive you to the hospital to make sure you're ok, that is, if he really cared. And as for gender superiority, such a thing shouldn't exist. In the end, we're all human and so what if we have things we're good at that are specific to our genders? No one's better than the other, as is depicted by this story. Guys who say things like "give me a beer" while he's RIGHT THERE sitting in the kitchen, saying it as a command rather than a question, can die.

Batman4890 0

that example you gave is completely different as the guy in your case knew there was something he should be doing instead of fannying around on a xbox (i think you said he was on a xbox xbox checking) but with this it was just a very sore stomach this is what you fail to see and she was clearly able to drive herself there she was just being needy trying to get him to drive her it's not like he leg snapped and she was unable to drive was it?

xrainbow_veinsx 1

Sounds like it's time for a divorce or marriage counseling.

mrzero 0

@108 stop sucking dick to much semen in your brain >.>

go back to Africa dumbass , speak normal English , where are you ******* from ? Zimbabwe ?

Batman4890 0

Go back to Africa dumb ass, speak normal English, where are you ******* from? Zimbabwe? Whats with all the spaces? A comma is not a separate word, and why Africa? Why not just where you're from?

@Fuckyourlife99 that proves that you are dumber compared to most people- men and women. at least first graders know that commas aren't seperate from the rest of te sentence retard.

Seriously, don't be a drama queen. My appendix ruptured FOR 12 HOURS. Now that is almost dying. You weren't even close.