By Divorcemenow - 17/07/2009 22:02 - United States

Today, I awoke to my husband donning a gorilla mask in the middle of the night. My kids have been staying in a tent out back for the past few nights, and have complained of a "monster" scaring them. I told them that it was their imagination. My husband says he gets a kick out of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 620
You deserved it 6 967

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazy dad. At least the monsters are not under the bed.


skullbuster 0

Yeah, women become more "mother" than "wife" after the kids come along. My wife reads me the riot act for my "sense of humor" often when it comes to torturing the kids. But really, c'mon, you knew what you were getting when you got married and had kids with this guy - lighten up! I mean really, you chose the name "divorcemenow", aren't you being a little melodramatic there, hun?

man, what is with all the asshole fathers around here lately?

IronysMe 0

hahhaa your life is the opposite of ******...he sounds like he's got an awesome sense of humor for a dad :)

ghembob 2

Haha, that's ******* awesome. Let him have his fun. My dad used to scare me all the time as a kid, and looking back on it now, I laugh.

Funny story, but how is this an "FYL"?

seriously? come on your life isn't ******? come on how do these get on here?

Your kids need to grow a pair and start beating the "monster" with things the next time it "attacks." Won't happen again after that. My aunt did that to my sister and I on a camping trip a long time ago, scratching the outside of the tent and growling in a low voice. So I told my sister to hand me the flashlight and hit the "claw" with it as hard as I could the next time it scratched. A loud "AHHOW" and string of curses followed, and the following morning she went to have her hand x-rayed (I had broken two fingers.)

Chocolate_Chunk 2