By Divorcemenow - 17/07/2009 22:02 - United States

Today, I awoke to my husband donning a gorilla mask in the middle of the night. My kids have been staying in a tent out back for the past few nights, and have complained of a "monster" scaring them. I told them that it was their imagination. My husband says he gets a kick out of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 620
You deserved it 6 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazy dad. At least the monsters are not under the bed.


Chach_12 0

haha this is funny. i don't see how its an fml... it is for the kids but not her.

My dad and older brothers used to do stuff like this all the time. It was really fun - I was never traumatized at all. I wouldn't worry about your kids, OP. As to #42: 1) I think you're over-reacting just a tad. I don't think it's sadism on the part of the dad. The kids are sleeping out, and the dad tries to add a little spice and give them a bit of fun. I seriously doubt it's any more traumatic than letting them watch movies like Poltergeist or even Harry Potter. The chances of the kids being scarred for life are pretty slim. 2) Your brother sounds like a wimp.

1. Think I'm overreacting? That's nice. We all know being scared shitless by a trusted adult is a great way to have fun and "add a little spice". The dad even said it was for his own amusement; I doubt he gave two ***** how the kids felt. Someone who lets their kids watch Poltergeist is a crappy parent anyway, unless the kids are teens or something, and by the sounds of it, that's not the case. For Harry Potter, it would depend on how old the OP's kids are. The chances of being scarred for life are slim. But they're your own kids. Do you really want to risk ruining your kids' trust for you, your relationship, or (admittedly, in rare cases) their state of mind so you can laugh for a minute or two? If so, get castrated. 2. Now this is why I'm pissed off again. My brother was 3 when it happened. **** you.

Amphysvena 11

jari, please don't have kids. and yes, your brother does sound like a wimp.

DareToDream7 0

K, you are totally twisting the whole point of the story. The dad wasn't doing it to TRAUMATIZE them! He was doing it to scare them a bit, have some fun. Calm the f*ck down, seriously. When I was younger, I had nightmares about people breaking into my room, kidnapping me, and killing me. My parents didn't coddle me, they told me that there was no way that could happen and let me deal with it myself. Now, I watch scary movies ALL the time and yeah I get freaked but it doesn't keep me up at night. I dealt with it, every kid has to do that in his or her life, hell, even adults have to deal with their fears. You can try to protect your kids from everything all you want but the truth is, there is scary stuff out there, there are messed up people who prey on children. If you can't teach them how to deal with all the bad stuff in the world, they won't have a chance in hell of surviving. Unless of course you plan on placing them in a bullet-proof bubble for their entire life. So you need to calm down, and learn to laugh at things. The fact that their dad, someone "close and that they can trust" did it to them is a million times better than one of their creepy neighbours doing it, wouldn't you agree? The kids didn't seem too bothered by it since they continued to sleep outside, I assume they were just making an observation to their mom, and didn't think much of it.


seriously... we need a "ROFL" choice here too, not just "your life sucks" and "YDI" that was funny

I'm sorry, but I don't feel any pity for you at all. Just be glad it's your husband and not some other guy.

tonia_fml 0
Jarlais 0

he's funny. but no fml here

kellster 2

Your husband is a sadistic ****.