By wvugirl - 19/04/2009 20:49 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend what he thinks about long term relationships. He said, "Our relationship is kinda like having a dog. Chances are, your dog is going to die pretty quickly, before you do. Dogs and humans just aren't meant to be together forever." He compared me to a dying dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 900
You deserved it 5 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a friend who got compared to ice cream in a breakup. "Girls are like ice have to try all the flavors before you choose one"

Ok, first off, you should dump him. Secondly, does that make any sense to anyone? Maybe i'm just tired but...


AntiChrist7 0

if you don't like you boyfriend, it's your own fault. you picked him.

He wasn't comparing YOU to a dog. He thinks the relationship won't last long, so what? Suck it the **** up, I'm pretty sure you have done worse to other guys. Ten to one says you find someone else before he even leaves you. girls man...not even worth it. WHO'S WITH ME!?

#34: are you that guy? Cause you sound like him.


#34 and #61 are right. So my recommendation would be GET THE **** OVER IT.

Moomoomoo_fml 0

I love it when people who write these FML's feel the need to write a "summarizing sentence" for people who are too slow to actually understand it... in this case, it's "He compared me to a dying dog".

Jessyca_fml 0

:/ Maybe you should end it with that boy he seems like he already doesn't want to go any further with the relationship.

he's a poetic one lol. and he wasn't comparing YOU to a dog. You just proved him right though :) Obviously he's a good deal smarter than you.