By wvugirl - 19/04/2009 20:49 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend what he thinks about long term relationships. He said, "Our relationship is kinda like having a dog. Chances are, your dog is going to die pretty quickly, before you do. Dogs and humans just aren't meant to be together forever." He compared me to a dying dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 900
You deserved it 5 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have a friend who got compared to ice cream in a breakup. "Girls are like ice have to try all the flavors before you choose one"

Ok, first off, you should dump him. Secondly, does that make any sense to anyone? Maybe i'm just tired but...


he didnt compare you to a dog, idiot. he said that your relationship was a dog, not you. you are the humans, your relationship is the dog. with that dumb phrase, he just told you how he really sees relationships: painful. its your job to change his mind.

LOL @ number 34, but seriously?! harsh.

#26, you spoke my mind. It's a pretty good analogy, actually. I'd be impressed with a guy who's that honest AND original. If you can't take it, pass your bf to me. But then you are probably 14, given how pissed off you are at his response, which means your bf can't be much older. Doh! Jailbait for me =(

mk1o3o 0

i'm sure someone has pointed this out already, but the bf was comparing the relationship to a dog, not her. and the humans he refers to are both him and her, not just him. wrong interpretation. in fact (if you think a bit harder), there is no FML here. it's simply his opinion of what a relationship is like. it doesn't even seem like he's referring to their own relationship per se...

dunno_me 0

What you really should be upset about is the fact that he doesn't want a long relationship with you. Forget the analogy he used.

UltimateIdiot911 0

#26 Well put. That's exactly what I thought he meant from what I've read from the OP. As for the OP, you're jumping to conclusion and a bit too defense about it. Look, as a guy, it's not easy for a guy to explain or describe relationship stuff. I don't find it odd that he uses an analogy, I do that myself when my gf ask me difficult question. Though, girls tend to jump conclusion and assume the worse.

maybe he didnt like you asking complicated questions like that at putting him on the spot? why do girls take everything so seriously...........

kapten 0

Wow alot of stupid people. Is it really that hard to understand what he meant? Everyone who replied with something like "dump him" should seriously jump of a bridge. I'm glad to see that atleast some people here are able to understand this simple answer.