By riddick0846 - 12/12/2010 07:29 - United States

Today, I accidentally ran over a squirrel on the road. I was late for work so I didn't stop. Later, someone keyed the word PETA into the side of my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 801
You deserved it 13 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What were you supposed to do? Have a funeral?

Stupid PETA. Were they expecting you to give it a funeral?


TOL_fml 6

I think I just wanted to see how someone would react. I was expecting a bunch of people cussing me out. Instead I got the most mature response I think I'll ever get. Lol this always happens to me....I'll expect something to go one way, and it goes the complete opposite. I gotta stop doin' that

That's assinine...First off, a squirrel gets run over about every 4 and a half minutes in any given city. Second, I'm all for animal rights, but those PETA members are taking things WAAAAAAY out of proportion. they're beyone Zealots. They're maniacs who think so much as feeding your dog non-organic food is tantamount to animal cruelty. I don't want to see animals suffer, either, but those people are insane. In summarization, that person needs a life. It's one thing to get upset when watching a show like Animal Cops. THOSE animals are suffering. But to key a damn car over one of the hundreds of millions of squirrels in the world? Stupid.

Not to mention, the people who work for PETA are hypocrites, They kill more animals than they actually save, just because they can't find them homes, and that is intentional, even if it is "humane," what OP did was an accident, you see squirrels everyday, they are in no way endangered, he was trying to get to work, and it's not like he was, "Hey look, a squirrel! Imma run over it! Wheeeee!" at least it probably died quickly. Also, what is moving off the road going to do for the squirrel? I LOVE animals, and agree with protecting them and such, but honestly, it was one squirrel, there is no point in treating OP like those people who illegally slaughter and torture animals. It is sad, but, what was he going to do? Animals run out in front of cars all the time, you can do your best not to hit it, but sometimes it's not worth risking your life. If it's a bigger animal, take it somewhere where it can get help.

CottonCandyCum 0
marti350 0

who the hell cares, it's a damn squirrel, there are easily a million of them. PETA cares more about animals than people, ironic considering the southeast regional PETA director left her dog in the car and it died :P Hucking Fippies

Scorch117 0

PETA is a ******* mafia cult. They key shit into people's cars, they throw liquid crap at people's fur coats, etc. Why nobody ever successfully sued them? EXACTLY. Mafia *****. It's not cute, it's not adorable, and it's not humane! Animals are just that: Animals. They have no concepts or feelings. If I was a squirrel, I'd rather be run over than eaten alive by a dog or cat. Hell, as a human I'd rather be run over! It's the circle of life and these PETA ***** don't deserve their salaries. My opinion? PETA = People for Eating Tasty Animals!

FatMan23 10

Animals have rights! (The right to be tasty)