By partygirlxxx - 24/05/2009 03:01 - United States

Today, for my birthday, my brother gave me some of those fake 'Harry Potter' edible cockroaches. I ate one. It wasn't fake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 711
You deserved it 9 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

there are no Harry potter edible cockroaches. that's chocolate frogs


Wtf. How stupid are you? Unless he wrapped the roaches in the plastic they come in, how the **** could you be fooled by this?

Lol..haha that's epic. Yet,how could you NOT know it was real? :P

I don't remember edible cockroaches in Harry Potter. I do remember frogs, though.... I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt. sucks, I would've beat the shit out of my brother for that. On the bright side, cockroaches are actually very nutritious and have the potential to be a widespread food source with more vitamins and less resource needs than beef. You could just claim to be ahead of the curve and starting a new trend!

That's really gross. I prolly would have puked all over him.

So it was a real edible cockroach?

rebockaa 0

uhm maybe your brother jinxed them! hahahahaaaaaaa.

How did you not ******* know that thing was alive? God damn, YDI

To everyone saying that OP should have known the difference, maybe they had never had the cockroach clusters before and had never seen them and therefore assumed that they looked like actual cockroaches. Before you people ever saw one, what would you expect something called "cockroach clusters" to look like? Anyone who says OP deserved this is an ignorant prick

randOmlyahmazing 0

i agree with someone way up there haha FYL for your brother being and asshole and giving it to you on your birthday YDI for falling for it. it really isn't that hard why would you eat a fake cockroach? GR0000SSSSSSS !

****** owwwwwwwned! your bro is funny