By partygirlxxx - 24/05/2009 03:01 - United States

Today, for my birthday, my brother gave me some of those fake 'Harry Potter' edible cockroaches. I ate one. It wasn't fake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 712
You deserved it 9 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

there are no Harry potter edible cockroaches. that's chocolate frogs


ZombieKitteh 8

I read those books... I remember some really weird candies but not cockroach ones XD

i know right! no cockroaches in any hp books! stupid. :)

tard, there are no cockroaches in harry potter

you were suppose to 'bunny ears' the word fake, not Harry Potter

nah there r like cockroach clusters in hp but no one sells em in real life. any way cant you tell a REAL cockroach from an edible one?

eww! wtf?! ewww! I say you bake him some cookies that have cat shit in them :D that should teach him! but wtf?!

DoorMatCat 3

I haven't read the books in a while so I couldn't really use them as a source, but when, in all the Harry potter series, did fake cockroaches come into the story?

goldenlocks22 6

Maybe just a cruel sense of humor.