By partygirlxxx - 24/05/2009 03:01 - United States

Today, for my birthday, my brother gave me some of those fake 'Harry Potter' edible cockroaches. I ate one. It wasn't fake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 711
You deserved it 9 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

there are no Harry potter edible cockroaches. that's chocolate frogs


taylorchasewhite 0

you people are so ******* dumb. just because your not allowed to call fake doesnt mean these stories actually real dumb *****. nobody would ever mistake a real cockroach for a candy cockroach. ******* idiots

All_My_Seasons 0

And now we learn why we don't trust brothers.

happygoluckyhh 0

To #33: OF COURSE THERE IS! They make all kind of wacko, quick-selling stuff these days! Who the hell WOULDN'T buy those things. I once bought Harry Potter Gummy Worms that looked like real worms, Harry Potter Jelly Beans that were flavors consisting of barf, potion, dragon saliva, etc. and more!


facebookfrenzy 0

WHAT THE ****. I wouldn't have eaten it either way, how can you eat something that looks so ******* repulsive?

madam_mayham 0

Well, next time we will check the label won't we? lol

Silas_fml 0

And the Darwin award goes to... Please. NO ONE can't tell the difference between a real cockroach and a candy piece.

I'll have to remember this, if I never need to get revenge or break up with a bitch I'll whip up some chocolate dipped cockroaches and leave them at their doorstep.