By partygirlxxx - 24/05/2009 03:01 - United States

Today, for my birthday, my brother gave me some of those fake 'Harry Potter' edible cockroaches. I ate one. It wasn't fake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 712
You deserved it 9 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

there are no Harry potter edible cockroaches. that's chocolate frogs


Narwhal234 6

There's no cockroashes in Harry Potter.

Harry Potter doesn't have edible cockroaches. There's Chocolate Frogs and there might be cockroach flavored Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Justsaying.

Actually, there is a Harry Potter candy brand that I use to see in stores like Borders (before it closed) that would sell different HP "magical" candy. There were those cockroach candies, and things called "blood pops" if I remember correctly. Just saying.

Cockroach clusters.If you remember, you heard Ron and hermione talking about what candies to get harry, since he didn't have permission to got to hogsmade

The made a chocolate cockroach for X files, but the actress was happy to eat the real thing. You could be Scully.

Harry Potter had chocolate frogs.... Not cockroaches