By partygirlxxx - 24/05/2009 03:01 - United States

Today, for my birthday, my brother gave me some of those fake 'Harry Potter' edible cockroaches. I ate one. It wasn't fake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 711
You deserved it 9 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

there are no Harry potter edible cockroaches. that's chocolate frogs


pencilmustache 0

ydi because you can't tell the difference between cockroaches and chocolate.

eeee93757 0

Yeah, because when I receive something unwrapped that looks like a cockroach, smells like a cockroach, and feels like a cockroach, my first reaction is to take a bite out of it. YDI for being incapable of telling the difference between a cockroach shaped piece of chocolate and an actual cockroach. Your brother deserves a medal.

So? that's good protein right there lol

that sucks..i heard crickets taste better;]

agree with 60. BLATANT LIE.there are way better REALfmls then this that dont get on

cxal_fml 0

You didn't notice that it wasn't even the same color as the candy? That it was hard instead of gummy to the touch? that the antennae were way to small to be reproduce that accurately in a cheap candy factory? same with the legs?

Angelol_fml 0

It's still edible isn't it?

LOL @ 8!!! I like the master vowel changing skills.