By Srain - 07/01/2010 06:36 - Australia

Today, feeling confident, I asked my boyfriend what he thought of my new body, since I had lost 16 kilos over the past month. He told me that he missed the old me and wanted me to gain weight again. My boyfriend was the one that encouraged me to lose weight in the first place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 473
You deserved it 3 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To lose 16 kilo's in 1 month, you need to burn 4500 kilocalories more than you eat each day. The only ways to do that are if you - run for two hours a day and eat absolutely nothing (wich is not very healthy) or - have cancer (with is of course even less healthy) Also, your skin can't adapt that fast, so there are probably hanging loose folds of skin from OP's entire body now.

16 kilos in one month. That can't be good.


Being obese is not only unhealthy it is a character flaw.

He is right, obesity is a character flaw. But only when caused by excessive eating, because then it is just as bad as any other addiction which are all flaws. But then again no one is perfect, nevertheless it's still a flaw.

Sigh, you are such a bigot. Why are you so bitter? Really I've seen several posts from you that are either brilliant trolling or pathetic cries for help. Did all guys you ever like reject you or what? Besides calling me ignorant for my post just makes me facepalm, how the hell did it offend you? I just explained what the above poster meant since you clearly aren't smart enough to understand it yourself.

perdix 29

As someone who has been on both sides of these obesity line, I'm more inclined to agree with ERAUpike than not, but maybe quibble on the choice of words. When I was fat, I just didn't care about my health, my looks and, frankly, about myself. Why did I choose to become so unhealthy? A character flaw, maybe. I'm just happy to report that I've got it under control and have lost enough weight to be non-obese and am close to a good goal weight. In the US, obesity is starting to surpass smoking as the #1 cause of death. Choosing a diet and exercise routine that leads to obesity is essentially committing a slow suicide.

Reading is hard, I clearly stated trolling OR the other thing not both : / Anyway this discussion is kind of funny to me. And your reply to #35 xd, way to overreact. Since he was obviously trolling. Also if you read my first reply it said: if people are obese because of excessive eating it is a character flaw, because the eating has caused them to be obese which has a negative effect on their health. Furthermore I never stated that overweight people are bad or anything, because quite simply everyone has flaws otherwise you'd be perfect. And there are many overweight people out there who can do little about the state they are in. But the way you go off when anyone says something about obesity or when someone is being chauvinistic is quite hilarious.

I will agree with this. Im technically obese, currently. I don't look like I weigh as much as I do, but I weigh it. Part of that was quitting smoking and getting back on birth control at the same time. (That's never a good combination!) The other part of it is psychological. I spent 4 years with a guy who told me how fat I was all the time. Told me he wasn't attracted to me enough to have sex with me some nights. I steadily gained 40 pounds over the 4 years we were together as a means of being stubborn (I was about 135/ 5'6" when I met him and even then, he thought I was 10 pounds overweight). That, and whenever I feel like Im depriving myself (aka dieting) I am starving all the time and tend to binge. To this day, when someone tells me I NEED to go to the gym, it starts the stubborn process all over again. I get pissed and refuse to do anything. THAT is definitely a character flaw on my part. Psychologically, I need to get over it. I'm definitely taking steps on my part. Buying a steamer to start making healthier meals. Also, since Im having surgery to reduce my acid reflux soon, Ill be on a soft food diet for 2 months, and Im hoping that will jump start it.

That was in agreement with Anteezy, btw

Denozo 0

Because woman need to go back to the kitchen rather then fishing for compliments.

I was once deathly ill - nearly died in fact - and lost 30 lbs. in a month. If the OP actually lost 35, she probably looked like the walking dead afterward. Not attractive.

Because 16 kilos is way too much probably, unless you were a fatty. Also in one month? oO that's a lot lol.

SeximusPrime 0

If he's that stupid about your appearance, he's an asshole. Dump him.

itsmywafflehouse 0

Ignore what he says, put some lean muscles on, and turn your scrawny, post-weight-loss body into a rocking hot bod!

cookies_for_you 0

shouldn't you be changing how you look for you, not him? ydi for doing it for him.

AntiChrist7 0

16 kilos?!?! thats worth a shitload of money. you should find that before the overboss gets mad