By Srain - 07/01/2010 06:36 - Australia

Today, feeling confident, I asked my boyfriend what he thought of my new body, since I had lost 16 kilos over the past month. He told me that he missed the old me and wanted me to gain weight again. My boyfriend was the one that encouraged me to lose weight in the first place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 473
You deserved it 3 851

Same thing different taste

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To lose 16 kilo's in 1 month, you need to burn 4500 kilocalories more than you eat each day. The only ways to do that are if you - run for two hours a day and eat absolutely nothing (wich is not very healthy) or - have cancer (with is of course even less healthy) Also, your skin can't adapt that fast, so there are probably hanging loose folds of skin from OP's entire body now.

16 kilos in one month. That can't be good.


that sucks!!! he is not worth to be around!!!!!! btw congrats!! i just hope you are doing it in a healthy way it's not just me!! my bf pulled the same one on me..fffuckersss

OP I'm sorry. Your boyfriend is an ass.

trtca_sucks 0

wow...he sounds like a lucky guyy

Tamara2011 0

ever heard the saying don't please others come on have some common sense worry about yourself not what others say

GiRIsMakingCupca 0

idk wat kilos are ethier lol can some1 explain :)

tacoman007 2

I'm astonished at the amount of people who don't know what the metric system is.

ballinxD 0

that's physically impossible..unless you didnt eat all day and exercised excessivley which is physically impossible..or if you went on a smoothie diet..which is worse and if you did you'd prolly gain it back almost immediately... for everyone who don't know what kilos are..kilo is kilogram to convert to lbs it's approx 2 times the amount

If you lost that much over a one month period then yeah, you probably look weird now.