By Srain - 07/01/2010 06:36 - Australia

Today, feeling confident, I asked my boyfriend what he thought of my new body, since I had lost 16 kilos over the past month. He told me that he missed the old me and wanted me to gain weight again. My boyfriend was the one that encouraged me to lose weight in the first place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 473
You deserved it 3 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To lose 16 kilo's in 1 month, you need to burn 4500 kilocalories more than you eat each day. The only ways to do that are if you - run for two hours a day and eat absolutely nothing (wich is not very healthy) or - have cancer (with is of course even less healthy) Also, your skin can't adapt that fast, so there are probably hanging loose folds of skin from OP's entire body now.

16 kilos in one month. That can't be good.


Many people's personality change when they lose weight. He probably doesn't like the new narcisstic bitch you've become.

shalizzz 0

Losing 16 kilos in a month is only possible if you are VERY obese, in which case the weight-loss probably caused your skin to sag visibly.......perhaps this is what bothers your bf..... However, you should never make a drastic decision concerning your life just to please someone else. Lose all the weight you want, but do it for yourself, for your health, for your self-esteem.

Well, even if she were very obese, 16kg without obesity surgery is way too much in a month ! That's as unhealthy as putting on 16kg in a month (but less easier)

yeah op, that sounds extremely unhealthy. i lost that much in 9th grade. i starved myself and ran miles and did a whole bunch of other sports. then i went to the gym and i had a personal trainer,and i had barely any muscle. so i was really tiny, but most of my weight was fat because my body was in starvation mode. now i eat and yaaaay i don't look like i'm going to break when people hug me. maybe you look like a skeleton and he doesn't like that? i don't know what you look like, but i do know that it is not healthy to lose that much weight so quickly. guys like some hips. oh and i'm not saying every really skinny girl is anorexic. i have some really skinny friends who just can't gain weight. i'm just saying, lose weight in a healthy way. and i think your boyfriend might want you to put on weight because you don't look healthy, but i'm not sure. all you have to do is eat right and exercise, but not too much. my health teacher said we should exercise an hour a day. okay i'm done with my long post. good luck getting healthy, op. :)

hmmm maybe she ment 16 pounds, seems more reasonable. but still, your bf is a douche !

You have no idea how annoying that is! I grew up as a stick with a small B....and the large girls with big boobs always got the guys. I never understood it, but some guys are just huge boob fans!

Maybe the OP had lipo, that's the only reasonable way i can see 16kg's coming off in only a month... Otherwise, don't sweat what your bf said because unless you have drastically changed your diet and exercise, the weight will come back and he'll get the old you back soon

maybe the stress was causing her to be a bitch to him without her realizing it


Protip: when a guy encourages you to lose weight, that doesn't mean he wants you to implode. Contrary to popular belief (at least among women), most men don't like skeletons. And even if you're saying that you went from fat to normal, if he can watch you shrink in real time then you're not giving him time to adjust.