By nolove - 04/05/2009 02:12 - Canada

Today, before going to bed my phone lit up and I got all excited because I thought it was a text message. My phone was finished charging. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 674
You deserved it 46 312

Same thing different taste

By Anonymous - 03/01/2010 16:35 - United States

Today, I was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling with the lights off. It was 1AM, and I'd just finished watching a scary movie, so I was a little paranoid. I was about to fall asleep, when an eerie light lit the room. I jumped, got tangled in the sheets, and hit my head against the bed frame. Where'd the light come from? Not a space ship. Not someone breaking in. It was my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 559
You deserved it 29 176

Top comments

How can anybody even say their life is ****** because they didn't get a text message? Personally, I didn't get a text message all day! MY LIFE MUST BE ******! However, on second thought, the fact that this upset you is enough for me to agree that your life is ******.


missmarimack 0

The FML hear is all the mean comments you get on your FML. Sad day.

Been there... I feel you. It's pitiful how many peoples lives are so sad they spend all day sitting on judging a submission to be truly a "****-my-life" moment, if you will. Then feel the need to write (what a hundred people before them said) a comment about how the OP is clearly deficient for posting something not really FML worthly. News-flash: a real FML is "Today, my mom died. FML" but nobody posts that CAUSE THIS IS ALL A JOKE!! Grow a sense of humor.

Jade_Rothwell 0

#57 is still a jerk.. I lost my job a paycheck away from getting a $300 bonus and try to post it on here but it doesn't go through.. and THIS crap does? WTF?!?! ****.. thats a real FML there really.. My story isnt good enough for the site, but this shit is.. hmmm Mods need to do a better job...

I know how you feel (Because this happens to me) but it's not really an fml

This is ridiculous, certainly not an FML!