By CMANIA - 07/09/2009 22:19 - United States

Today, at work, I accidentally got ink on my white dress shirt - right by my left nipple. Absentmindedly, I licked my finger and tried rubbing the stain out. When I looked up, the Vice President was staring at me in disbelief. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 024
You deserved it 6 625

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That wasn't disbelief, it was amazement and arousal. (You mean "ink" not "pen".)

He only wishes he could've "accidentally" gotten "ink" on your nipple ;D


Hawk3487 0

too bad it wasnt female.... so i could say.. i saw a girl at my work, tryin to rub ink off her nip and i jizzed... in.. my pants! (i was actually disappointed to see that the OP was male)

if only you added "with a boner'' i wouldve been rotfl...

manners 0

haha! this one made my day! :)

yea lol everyone know u can't get ink out with saliva he's stairing at u caz ur a dum shit

Would've been awesome if it was Dick Cheney.

I smell a Porno!! "inky nipple and a kinky triple" it will be called. ( it'll only be triple if the actual president comes in or something)

ouch... hope you'd explained that one...