By CMANIA - 07/09/2009 22:19 - United States

Today, at work, I accidentally got ink on my white dress shirt - right by my left nipple. Absentmindedly, I licked my finger and tried rubbing the stain out. When I looked up, the Vice President was staring at me in disbelief. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 024
You deserved it 6 625

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That wasn't disbelief, it was amazement and arousal. (You mean "ink" not "pen".)

He only wishes he could've "accidentally" gotten "ink" on your nipple ;D


fckaduck 0

You shouldn't have tried to rub ink out of a white dress anyway... Did you really think it would come out? o.0 I think you're secretly just a freak.

YDI for thinking about Clay Aiken while you were cleaning your shirt.

can someone please explain the reference to joe biden? im slow on the uptake. gracias.

the fml said vice president and the vice president of the us is biden- u no Biden, good times good times

bosshaug 0
