By Anonymous - 01/04/2009 05:13 - United States

Today, as an April fools day joke, I decided to tell my mom and dad that I was gay. After an awkward silence, my mom looks at me, smiles, and says, "well, we have known for a while." She wasn't joking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 922
You deserved it 63 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do you know she wasn't joking? According to my watch, she's allowed to continue the charade for another 18 hours. Them's the rules.

Ha-ha, unlucky - don't do an April fool's that can backfire!


Dude its time to come out of the closet!

Dichoscillation 0

Hey, that's exactly what happened to me! I sat them down, all formal and everything, did the whole "there's something I need to tell you guys" routine. I finally got to the "I'm gay" part. And their response was, "We know, isn't it fabulous?" (my mom) and "It's okay, you don't have to watch soccer with me if you don't have to" (my dad). Followed by the safe-sex-HIV lecture, which is pretty funny because I know a hell of a lot more than either of them about sex and certainly about HIV (I'm a biomedical engineering student). Anyways, I suppose I'm pretty obvious... I'm kinda camp, and all my friends are girls, and I LOVE the colors purple and periwinkle. So...

You probably are gay and didn't even know it yet... It could be your subconscious telling you to come out before you even know what's happening... loll

Wow, yet another "my parents think I'm gay but I'm not" FML. Please stop approving these. They are unoriginal and boring. #9 is right. I've never even heard of the "stop at noon" rule. Must be some new dumb shit you kids make up. I blame Facebook.

you know.. it's not really a joke when you actually bone dudes...

thats the worst joke ever. you deserve it.

some ppl believe that theres always truth behind jokes so you might not wanna do that again =/