By Anonymous - 01/04/2009 05:13 - United States

Today, as an April fools day joke, I decided to tell my mom and dad that I was gay. After an awkward silence, my mom looks at me, smiles, and says, "well, we have known for a while." She wasn't joking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 922
You deserved it 63 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do you know she wasn't joking? According to my watch, she's allowed to continue the charade for another 18 hours. Them's the rules.

Ha-ha, unlucky - don't do an April fool's that can backfire!



Hahaha learn to bring girls to your house fag

Zakkie_1987 2

wtf?! not everyone has to be into licking an open wound that bleeds for 7 days, and DOESN'T DIE, as well as not having a way to clean the interior "visitors lounge" without using a sterilized douche to ensure hygiene is accomplished. at least a dick can be washed externally, and an ass (that 80% of "straight" blokes shove their cocks into)only has remains of what has been consumed as most toxins actually leave via the urine.

loveyahun 0

Hey, if you was really gay, be happy that she would accept you. :)

''Mom, I'm lesbian... And I got another girl pregnant. -Wait, what? O.o'' ^ Now that's April fools material. ^

moms_mistake 2

so what exactly are you complaining about? that you're parents accept you or that they've known for a while but let you come out on your own time? because, seems to me like you've got some pretty great parents.

Daddy_Phat_Stack 0