By Anonymous - 01/04/2009 05:13 - United States

Today, as an April fools day joke, I decided to tell my mom and dad that I was gay. After an awkward silence, my mom looks at me, smiles, and says, "well, we have known for a while." She wasn't joking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 922
You deserved it 63 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do you know she wasn't joking? According to my watch, she's allowed to continue the charade for another 18 hours. Them's the rules.

Ha-ha, unlucky - don't do an April fool's that can backfire!


llamalpaca382 13

YDI. You can go **** yourself for joking about being gay. It's not a laughing all.

Zakkie_1987 2

Again, SERIOUSLY?! It's just gay, if people don't like you for your sexuality then don't associate with them. It's not a terminal disease, which most people seem to be acting like it is. LOUD&PROUD FLAUNT WHAT YOUR MUMMA GAVE U BOI, JUS FLAUNT IT!! xx Gay all the way!! xx (4 those who call me a fag for writing this, please know, you are no one and nothing to me honey, your words wash away before they even get me, for your words are nothing I haven't heard before, and your words are just that, a constant stream of worthlessness xx for you haters) XXOOXXOO FOR THE GAYS! GLBT, Be who you want to be, honesty and integrity is all you have, no one can ever take it from you babes.

Get a sense of humor, dumbass. April Fools' Day is 24 hours long. Just because she owned you at your own joke doesn't mean she was serious. And gay people are awesome. One of my relatives is gay, and he's one of the coolest people I know.

puppytaco64 8

Well at least you didn't say you were a murderer

How are you gay and from texas? That dont go well at all

try pulling that in 7th grade to your grandma, only for her to reply immediately with "goddamn it, i knew it!"

Qwermy 16

why do all parents answer " we've known for a while" or something similar if their child comes out?

What a terrible "joke," dickweed. I hope you're not bigoted the other 364 days of the year.