Time to move

By Anonymous - 12/09/2009 17:06 - United States

Today, I updated an e-mail I've saved to drafts and have been updating every day for the last few months to a girl I really adore. In this letter, I told her everything I ever kept from her. Instead of saving it to drafts again, I accidentally sent it. And she's online. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 629
You deserved it 51 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well_this_sucks 0


Lee002 8

OP, homosexuality is a sin. Please re-evaluate your orientation before it's too late (e.g. the second coming).

CheshireHalli 19

I love the wonderful Christians who preach love and acceptance for all, until you don't agree with them, don't you midnight? ^.^ [/sarcasm]

hows about you go **** yourself and get a proper opinion on everything. being a dink should be a sin too, asshole.

lee002: homesexuality is NOT a sin. where in the bible does it say it's wrong? that's right-NOWHERE! and God is supposed to accept everybody for who they are. so just **** off-people like you are the ones who go to hell!

Exactly this. Nowhere in the Bible does it say homosexuality is a sin. People need to read the surrounding context of some verses and realize that, rather than just reading individual verses and making stupid judgement. :]

"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God." —1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (NKJV)

The original text of 1 Corinthians 9 doesn't contain homosexuality in with the other sins mentioned, but rather "malokois" and "arsenokoitai." They've never been properly translated, and I'm sure someone one day decided those two would be grouped together to stand for "homosexuals" (or something of the like) while they were doing a translation, and it's stuck ever since. Do your research.

I thought technically speaking, the original anti-gay text in the Bible, in Leviticus, actually said more literally "do not lie in a woman's bed like a woman"? (These days it reads in modern Bibles as "man does not lie with man as if he were a woman" or some stupid shit) It can be vaguelly anti-gay... vaguelly... except for the part where women and men had seperate beds, and so men weren't allowed in the woman's bed, because women were considered dirty during certain times of the month? Uh oh, sounds like it's not so anti-gay at all! Because certainly that doesn't excuse two girls going in the girl's bed, after all it specifically was pertaining to men, and then technically speaking it never said anything about two guys being in the guy's bed.

Those pretty clear translate as "bad coitus" and "arse coitus".

And so do you proselytize to the adulterers, fornicators, drunkards, idolaters (oh, wait a minute, that would be you, wouldn't it? for praying to a cross and a man...) Get over your double standards. If you wish to transform others with the Bible, stop eating pork and paying interest; worship God and not a human being; stop having Christmas trees with lights; and pray the way you're supposed to. You're not perfect or better than ANYONE just because you think you're enlightened. Freakin' hypocritical people. Always with a looking-glass at the faults of others and never able to see themselves. Why don't you go read your entire bible and actually try to apply its rules, and THEN come back and have something to say, hypocrite.

who cares what the bible says anyway its a work of FICTION. stop being brainwashed

Fiction can be inspirational, as can religion. The key is to known when you're going too far (*coughCrusadescough*). And upon that, it's also wise to be familiar with classic literature. After all, people make references to them all the time. For example, in the animated movie Rock'A'Doodle, the name of the rooster is Chanticleer, like in The Canterbury Tales, and there are some inane other references (the fox tricking this singing rooster and such). Also you want to be familiar just so you can bitchslap religious fanatics at their own game.

jhommie9696 0

Has no one heard of MS Word its a whole hell of a lot harder to "accidentally" email someone your creepy stalker thoughts on "accident" that way...

Not_Yet_Rated 0
dedalus_fml 0

What's up with posters saying this is "creepy"? How is having a secret crush on someone in any way creepy? Are these people even human? OP - that is just embarrasing! FYL. Hopefully she will be understanding.

It was bound to happen sooner or later...D: FYL, probably because it sounds like something I would do..

oh, and homosexuality is NOT a sin. Why would it be? People have said this before me, but I feel the need to say it myself. You're not instantly going to hell because some of your hormones got messed up...it's really not something anyone can control.

waterynuggets 0

Yes, and it also refers to - gasp - people who are gay, as in not straight. Not speaking for everyone, but I don't know any lesbian who is hurt by being called gay, and as a lesbian, it doesn't remotely hurt my feelings. That's pretty stupid. I personally prefer calling myself gay, for the record. Yes, we want rights, but it has nothing to do with if you call us gay or lesbian, lulz. jesus christ on a bicycle.

Not_Yet_Rated 0

or you can use the cord from the keyboard lol.

Not_Yet_Rated 0

hahahahahaha waterynuggets pwned twiggly!!! its awesome. oh and twiggly i agree with waterynuggets, im a lesbian and being called gay does not bother me in the least.