Time to move

By Anonymous - 12/09/2009 17:06 - United States

Today, I updated an e-mail I've saved to drafts and have been updating every day for the last few months to a girl I really adore. In this letter, I told her everything I ever kept from her. Instead of saving it to drafts again, I accidentally sent it. And she's online. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 629
You deserved it 51 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well_this_sucks 0


Good luck :D! Please tell us what she said!

cheese1756 0

well now you'll know what she thinks of you

xd0rkiee 0

were you planning to spend hours on that and then not sending it? ydi.

are you lesbian? cause if you are, that'd be awesome if not, CREEPY

Wait a second, someone's sexual preference automatically determines whether or not sending someone an email describing their feelings for them is creepy or awesome??? Your logic is ******* immaculate.

Agreed #47 Stop fantasizing on lesbians and having double standards, it's really annoying and disrespectful.

Actually, that's extremely funny. Think about it before going on a hate diatribe, 47

Are you people really that slow? Go back and re-read what that poster wrote. It's not bigotry in the least way, 74. DUH, man!

Haaahaaa, #45: Did you notice how nobody got your joke? I thought it was hilarious. Others obviously just scan instead of read, and borrow others fake outrage and peddle it as their own. :p

aaaaa12345_fml 0

you're ******* wierd. really, who does that?

And you're a condescending twat. Really. Who does that? Oh wait... the majority of the commenters...

fmlfmlfml429 0

I hate when something like that happens! What happened, what did she say?

Yeah, wouldn't it be nice if the OP ever came back and gave us the rest of the story? I get the feeling that either a) the OPs are instructed not to comment on their own post, or b) none of the FMLs are actually real (all created by a bunch of 17-23 year olds) and therefore there are no "real" OPs for any of the FMLs.

People can defiantly comment on their own FMLs. That's why FML has dedicated a special little medal to these people next to their posts for when they return. There is no rule. Most just choose not to. I'm sure they read the comments though. Just because the OP doesn't respond doesn't mean they're made up.

Phoenix_GAD 0

defiantly = with open resistance/bold disobedience. DEFINITELY= without doubt; the word that is correct in this sentence. god i hate it when people make that mistake. ive seen it so many times and it kills me. i just had to correct it.

Kristoffer 35

That's why you don't put a valid email address into an email you don't intend to send. YDI

Exactly. I have tons of draft emails that I save without putting an address in, so I don't see why she bothered to if her intent wasn't to send them anyway.

wtf? lesbians are awesome, gay people are disgusting

ouch bad luck. I hope it didn't have creepy stuff in it or it might not go down so well :S Either way, who knows maybe she is into the creeps ^_^ lol I really hope it works out for you :) Everyone deserves some happiness.