This ain't working out

By just a reaction - 17/08/2020 23:09

Today, my boyfriend and I got into a heated argument. He raised his hand like he was going to hit me. Having been hit by my ex before, I panicked and instinctively kicked his legs out from under him. He then dumped me because he said he was just gonna scare me, but I used real violence on him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 006
You deserved it 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he knew what you went through and still did this, he deserved it and more.

He should have not tried to scare you with violence on the first place though.


This ain't a FYL. This is a "Dodged a Bullet on Dating an Asshole". You're way better off. Mock violence is still abuse. Thinking this. If he raises a hand to you, how soon before he uses it?

sweety, he broke up with you because he realised you were going to defend yourself against his abuse and he couldnt get away with it. He might say its your fault but you defended yourself against a physical threat. HIS fault, not yours.

I’d tell him “don’t let the door hit you on the backside on your way out”. Do not stay with someone who threatens you!

As a former law enforcement officer, I want you to know that in most, if not all states, what he did qualifies as domestic violence. Check with your local Police agency. You should be able to get a court order of some sort to keep him away from you and your home etc. Take advantage of every option at your disposal. Also, please, please seek out a support group in your area for victims of domestic violence. Otherwise, you're doomed to repeat this same cycle again. Only next time, you may not survive to tell the tale. Good luck.

Bull shit he was. And even if he was “just going to scare you” that is not ok in a relationship

Flat out if he hadn't dumped you then you should have dumped him. This was abusive on his part. Psychological abuse is abuse.

If he had gotten away with scaring you, he would have eventually progressed to the really hitting you. He learned you won't take that shit, and like a bitch is out. The only disappointing part is that he broke up with you instead of the other way around. It is better to be alone than miss treated.

For the 116 pathetic incels clicking on "YDI": you deserve to find out through personal experience why OP reacted like that. I'm not wishing it on you because I wouldn't wish harm on anyone, just saying YDI and should probably mature a bit. Growing up is not just about your shoe size.

rotflqtms_ 21

I'm assuming people said YDI because you deserve not to be in a relationship with that lowlife loser. Even if he DIDN'T know your history, he was probably trying to sus you out to see if he could control you with violence. He also probably really WAS going to hit you but you got him first. I'm glad y'all aren't together anymore. I wish you had broken up with him. If anyone even threatens violence, you should just leave him and done. Don't even wait until the real thing happens. He's thinking about it. Soon it'll go from thinking to doing. My dad was abusive and it took my mom a while and a lot of lasting injuries, but she finally got out. I'm not even sure I want a relationship, but if I ever get in one, at the first sign of abuse, I'm out. Major red flag there. Don't let him fool you. He knew what he was doing.

If he hit you before, and you did that to prevent him from hitting you, and he dumped you, find someone better. Even if he didn't, he's a POS.