This ain't working out

By just a reaction - 17/08/2020 23:09

Today, my boyfriend and I got into a heated argument. He raised his hand like he was going to hit me. Having been hit by my ex before, I panicked and instinctively kicked his legs out from under him. He then dumped me because he said he was just gonna scare me, but I used real violence on him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 006
You deserved it 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he knew what you went through and still did this, he deserved it and more.

He should have not tried to scare you with violence on the first place though.


You dodged a bullet. No man should raise a hand to a woman except in love, ever!

tounces7 27

No, that's bullshit. Threatening you with violence is just the first step.

It's good you got out now -- real violence was eventually going to happen. It's best to leave with a 1-0 record, the undisputed (blank)*-weight champion of the relationship! * I don't know your weight and it would be rude to guess.

Scare tactics like that - using the threat of violence - is still ******* abusive. You reacted justifiably against that threat of violence. You never know if he was lying about that just being a scare tactic, especially after you neutralized him as a threat. Keep that asshole out of your life.

Matthew Irmen 11

You don’t need that. It’s best to move on

xingyibear 5

ur better off from the sounds of it

Purposely causing someone to fear imminent physical harm is actually assault, so it's absolutely not ok even if he truly "only" intended to scare you. Raising a fist to make someone believe they're about to be punched is literally the textbook example of causing that fear, too.

malicemassacre 18

Count it as a good loss! If he is trying to install fear in you he will most likely cross the line one day! Proud that you had a quick reaction!!!

Shame he broke up with you. You should’ve been the one to do the dumping. You did absolutely nothing wrong, regardless whether he knew about your past you don’t do that shit