The sad truth

By Soulara89 - 23/12/2014 01:28 - United States - Orlando

Today, on a first date with a guy, I spilled ice cream all over my pants. He bought me some more, and as I was thanking him, he said, "You've never had a guy treat you right, have you?" I said no and started crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 675
You deserved it 5 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Any boy that understands the importance of replacing ice cream is a keeper. Never let him go.

I find that very sweet,actually. You must have been embarrassed, for sure, but if he really is a "guy who treats you right" I'm sure he understood he touched a nerve with that question. Chin up, OP, maybe you found someone worth the wait!


This breaks my heart, especially since I've been with both a guy who treated me awful and then stayed with a guy who understood the importance of replacing split ice cream. Never let him go ;) it definitely gets better from here!

I'm still trying to work out whether he bought you some more ice cream or more pants.

Did he hug you as you were crying? If so, never let that boy go. He treated you right and comforted you as you were crying. Total keeper.

msmedieval 11

If he stayed after that then you found a keeper! Don't be embarrassed OP, everyone deserves to be treated right xoxo

momac86 17

Well you certainly deserve a nice guy like this one hope it works out for you

Is it bad while reading this,i could hear soft romantic music playin in the background?

If this was faked: congrats, if not: I feel for ya.