
By kellie1115 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Rowlesburg

Today, my boyfriend and I were having a serious conversation about our future. Somehow it turned into a 10-minute discussion about what time of day we usually take a crap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 573
You deserved it 5 889

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OP - "So I was thinking that we should buy a new place somew..." Boyfriend - "I really need a shit, when do you normally take a shit?" ^ am I on the right track?

Five months from now he will be standing outside the only bathroom waiting for you to finish pooping because he forgot the time you normally go, while you remembered his poop schedule, and then you will appriciate that conversation.


perdix 29

He's just trying to figure when to schedule anal with you. He doesn't want to enter the tunnel and then get hit head-on by a freight train.

perdix 29

I hear the train a-coming It's coming round the bend I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when…

twisted_cherub 14

If you two can talk about poop on a personal level like that, you don't have to worry about your future together. You obviously are comfortable with each other and share trust.

kaymi 17

...and the problem is what? That is a serious topic. No need to read "Everybody Poops" since he doesn't have it set in his mind that women don't poop.

well I see it important. what if you move in together and are all happy and one day the unthinkable happens, u have to take a crap at the same time. one bathroom and devorce papers later ur alone. sad...

Brina1 0

How do you get THAT off topic?

Brina1 0

How do you get THAT off topic?

Don't forget to courtesy flush! No one enjoys getting "splashback" when there are skid marks in the toilet.

I think that's a very important conversation to have before you consider moving in with each other! If you're both morning poopers and only have one bathroom in the house, living together just won't work! If you are a morning pooper and he's a night pooper, a one bathroom will work just fine. It's the little things... I think you've found yourself a keeper! Next week's conversation; How do you put the toilet paper roll on?